Important Information about Contacting Us

Some information published on our websites (for example property assessments, sex offenders, or copyrights) reflect public records provided openly to anybody. We do not maintain or hide specific records - appropriate agencies do. We periodically update our information based on the records that these agencies release. The very idea of these records is to be open and available to the public at large. It is possible to disassociate your name from street-level address using the form linked to from the bottom of assessment info pages, provided that the form is fully and correctly completed. This service is not provided by email or by filling out the form on this page.

We cannot help in licensing or obtaining any of the data used on our site. Some content used on our site is under license from other companies. You can link to our website without asking for permission.

Advertise with Us

The quickest way to get your text ads up on our websites is to use Google AdWords, log in, click on Create online campaign -> Placement Targeted, then on the "Target ad" page select "List URLs," put in our site and select where you want to advertise from the list. After that, you will be able to set pricing and start running your ads. These ads can be cost-per-click or cost-per-impression based.

You can also specifically target any keywords on our sites with AdWords. To do so, create a keyword-targeted campaign, save it, and click on its name. Then click on "Add placements" and put in the site address. Make sure to disable "Other placements on the content network" if you don't want your ads from this campaign to appear on other random websites.

For larger campaigns, where you'd prefer to have graphics in addition to text, you'd like to target only certain types of visitors, exact locations, and you want your ads to have special placements and priority over others, we also offer direct advertising as an option. Unfortunately, we cannot currently support small direct advertising campaigns.

Contact Form

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Your e-mail:
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